Bluffside Neighborhood Association
The Bluffside Neighborhood Association encompasses all residents (renters or owners) living from Losey Blvd to the Bluff and Highway 16 to State Highway 30. Our mission is to bring our Bluffside neighbors together to share information and get to know each other. WE believe that knowing neighbors makes for a better neighborhood and a better community.
Blufside neighborhood association meets on the 4th Monday of odd numbered months at 6:00 PM at Congregational Church (2503 Main Street) or at Bluffview Park if weather permits. Check our facebook page for up to date neighborhood information.
All of our neighbors are welcome at our meetings, if you have a topic you’d like to discuss or would like information on at an upcoming meeting please email us at Bluffsidelacrosse@gmail.com and we will try to get it on the agenda!
Activities and Accomplishments:
- We coordinate a Thanksgiving food drive to benefit the Hunger Task Force every Thanksgiving
- National Night Out in Bluffview Park Every August
Chair: Jim Bagniewski
Secretary: Becky Byron
Treasurer: Barbara Jordan
Executive Board Member: Jodi Widuch
Executive Board Member: Maureen Friedland